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Department of classical philology and literary source studies

Scientific title and degree: Doctor of philology
Post: Head of the Department
Reception hours: Every day at 2:00-4:00 pm
Tel.: +99871 233-24-58
E-mail:  rixsitilla@gmail.com

History of the department

The Department of Classical Philology and Literary Source Studies of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies conducts research on Uzbek classical literature and literary language, this institution is fluent in Arabic and Persian, reads primary written sources, oriental manuscripts. It is a major center for the training of philologists and specialists who can convey to our people the masterpieces of spirituality, the progressive views of humanity. The department was established in 1993 under the name «Source Studies, Textual Studies and Translation Theory». Until 1999, the study was conducted in the form of a special group of source and textual scholars, consisting of students of the departments of Arabic and Persian philology of the Faculty of Oriental Philology.

In 2004, the government issued a decree to train qualified specialists who will study the classical written heritage of the republic, study the works of our great thinkers and poets and pass them on to young boys and girls. The training of such specialists was entrusted to the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, where Arabic, Persian and Old Turkic languages are taught in deep level. In this regard, the department of classical philology at the Bachelor’s and Master’s levels was opened at the institute, and the teaching work in this area and specialty was entrusted to the same department.

In 2008, the department was renamed «Classical Philology».

In April 2020, the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies was granted the status of «UNIVERSITY» and the department was renamed «Classical Philology and Literary Source Studies» under the new structure.

From the establishment of the department until 1996, it was headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor Najmiddin Kamilov. From 1996 to early 2008, the department was headed by Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor Alimulla Habibullayev. From 2008 to September 2017, the department was headed by Doctor of Philology, Professor Kasimjon Sodikov. Since September 2017, the department is headed by Doctor of Philology Alimukhamedov Rikhsitilla Abdurashidovich.

Two basic doctoral students as well as several independent researchers are attached to the department.

Seventy-eight Bachelors and thirty-one Masters are studying at the department in the 2018-2019 academic years.

From the 2020-2021 academic year, the department began to accept students in the new 5120700 – Textual and Literary Source Studies undergraduate education.

Department of undergraduate education:

  • 5120100 – Philology and language teaching (in classical languages)
  • 5120700 – Textual Studies and Literary Source Studies

Master’s specialties of the department:

  • 5A120103 – Classical Philology (by classic languages)
  • 5A120104 – Textual Studies and Literary Source Studies

Subjects taught at the department:

5120100 – Philology and language teaching (in classical languages)

  1. Fundamentals of textology and source studies»;
  2. «Main Oriental language (Arabic / Persian)»;
  3. «Additional Oriental Language (Arabic / Persian)»;
  4. «Old Uzbek language»;
  5. «Uzbek classical literature»;
  6. «Classical Arabic and Persian literature»;
  7. «Navoi studies»;
  8. «History of writing and calligraphy»;
  9. «Linguistic analysis of Arabic and Persian literary texts»;
  10. «Reading Oriental Manuscripts»;
  11. «Historical lexicography»;
  12. «Methods of teaching language and literature».

5120700 – Textual Studies and Literary Source Studies

  1. Fundamentals of textology and source studies»;
  2. «Main Oriental language (Arabic / Persian)»;
  3. «The language of Turkic written monuments»;
  4. «The history of Uzbek literature»;
  5. «Classical Arabic and Persian literature»;
  6. «The history of Uzbek textology»;
  7. «The Orient textology»;
  8. «Classical literature»;
  9. «Epigraphy and paleography».

Master’s specialties:

Disciplines taught in 5A120103 – Classical Philology (by classic languages):

  1. «Theoretical issues of specialization»;
  2. «Classical literature of the East»;
  3. «Language of written monuments»;
  4. «System of classical genres and typology of styles»;
  5. “Theoretical Foundations of Early Medieval Oriental Languages (Sanskrit, Sogdian, and Ancient Chinese)”;
  6. «Stylistics of classical literary text».

5A120101 – Textbook and Literary Source Studies:

  1. «Theoretical issues of specialization»;
  2. «Oriental textual studies»;
  3. «Philological study of a literary source»;
  4. «History of writing and the art of writing»;
  5. «Literary sources and text stylistics»;
  6. «Classical poetics of the East».

Professors and teachers of the department:

  1. Alimukhamedov Rikhsitilla Abdurashidovich – Doctor of Philology.
  2. Sodikov Kasimjon Pozilovich – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
  3. Tokhliyev Bakijon – Doctor of Philology, Professor.
  4. Eshmuhamedova Maryam Malikovna – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.
  5. Umurzokov Bakhriddin Safarovich – PhD, head teacher.
  6. Sadullayeva Nodira Namozovna – teacher.
  7. Rakhmatullayev Nodir Nuritdinovich – teacher.
  8. Kholboboyeva Nilufar Bakhtiyor qizi – teacher.
  9. Maxmarajabov Fazliddin Davlatboy oglu – teacher.
  10. Kanayev Boborahim Esanalievich – teacher.

Partner organizations of the department:

Institute of Oriental Studies named after Abu Rayhon Beruni of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Museum of Literature named after Alisher Navoi of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

State Museum of Temurid History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi.

International cooperation of the department:

Faculty of Literature, Istanbul University, Turkey.

Ataturk University in Erzurum, Turkey.

Faculty of Literature, Karabuk University, Turkey.

Xinjiang Pedagogical University of China.

Published works by professors and teachers:

  1. Содиқов Қ.П. Адиб Аҳмад Югнакий. Ҳибату-л-ҳақойиқ. Қосимжон Содиқов транскрипцияси, талқини ва таҳлилида. – Тошкент: «Akademnashr», 2019.
  2. Содиқов Қ.П. Алишер Навоий. Муҳокамату-л-луғатайн. Қосимжон Содиқов таҳлили, табдили ва талқини остида. – Тошкент: «Akademnashr», 2017.
  3. Содиқов Қ.П. Алишер Навоий. Муҳокамату-л-луғатайн. Қосимжон Содиқов таҳлили, табдили ва талқини остида. – Тошкент: “Akademnashr”, 2017.
  4. Содиқов Қ.П. Илк ва ўрта асрларда Марказий Осиёда кечган этно-лингвистик жараёнлар. – Тошкент: «Akademnashr», 2018.
  5. Содиқов Қ.П. Илк ва ўрта асрларда яратилган туркий ҳужжатлар. Тошкент давлат Шарқшунослик институти, 2016.
  6. Содиқов Қ.П. Қадимги туркий халқларда шаҳарчилик, ўтроқ деҳқончилик маданияти ва яйлов турмуш тарзи. Тошкент давлат Шарқшунослик институти, 2017.
  7. Содиқов Қ.П. Қадимги туркий халқларда шаҳарчилик, ўтроқ деҳқончилик маданияти ва яйлов турмуш тарзи. Тошкент давлат Шарқшунослик институти, 2017.
  8. Содиқов Қ.П. Матншунослик ва манбашунослик асослари. Филология ва тилларни ўқитиш (мумтоз тиллар бўйича) таълим йўналишида ўқиётган талабалар учун ўқув қўлланма. Тошкент давлат Шарқшунослик институти, 2017.
  9. Содиқов Қ.П. Матншунослик ва манбашунослик асослари. Филология ва тилларни ўқитиш (мумтоз тиллар бўйича) таълим йўналишида ўқиётган талабалар учун ўқув қўлланма. Тошкент давлат Шарқшунослик институти, 2017.
  10. Содиқов Қ.П. Маҳмуд Кошғарий. Девону луғати-т-турк [Туркий сўзлар девони]. Нашрга тайёрловчи Қ. Содиқов. – Тошкент: Ғафур Ғулом номидаги нашриёт-матбаа ижодий уйи, 2017.
  11. To’xliyev B., Abdurahmonova B. Adabiyot (Majmua). Akademik litseylarnining uchinchi bosqich o‘quvchilari uchun. Тошкент, “BAYOZ”, 2018.
  12. To’xliyev B., Abdurahmonova B. Adabiyot (Majmua). Akademik litseylarnining birinchi bosqich o‘quvchilari uchun. – Тошкент: Bayoz, 2017.
  13. To’xliyev B., Abdurahmonova B. Adabiyot (Majmua). Akademik litseylarnining ikkinchi bosqich o‘quvchilari uchun. – Тошкент: Bayoz, 2017.
  14. To’xliyev B., Abdurahmonova B. Adabiyot (Majmua). Akademik litseylarnining uchinchi bosqich o‘quvchilari uchun. – Тошкент: Bayoz, 2017.
  15. To’xliyev B., Abdurahmonova B. Adabiyot (Majmua). Akademik litseylarnining birinchi bosqich o‘quvchilari uchun. – Тошкент, “BAYOZ”, 2018.
  16. To’xliyev B., R.Mirsamiqova, О.Ametova. Adabiyot (Majmua). Akademik litseylarnining ikkinchi bosqich o‘quvchilari uchun. – Тошкент, “BAYOZ”, 2018.
  17. Тўхлиев Б. Навоий ғазаллари (насрий баён, шарҳ ва изоҳлар). – Тошкент: ТДШИ, ТДПУ, 2016.
  18. Эшмуҳамедова М. Аҳмад Яссавий ҳикматлари киритилган қўлёзмалар каталоги. Тошкент, 2010.
  19. Р.Зарипова, Н.Садуллаева. Қиссаси Рабғузий. 1-китоб. Тошкент, 2013.
  20. Р.Зарипова, Н.Садуллаева. Қиссаси Рабғузий. 2-китоб. Тошкент, 2015.
  21. Алимухамедов Р.А. Қадимги турк-моний адабиёти манбалари. Тошкент, “Шарқ” НМАК. 2016.
  22. Алимухамедов Р.А. Эски туркий асарларни қўлёзмалардан ўқиб-ўрганиш. Тузувчи: Р. Алимуҳамедов. Тошкент, 2013.

Research interests of the department:

  • Issues of the emergence and historical development of the Turkish written literary language;
  • The language of Turkish written monuments. Linguistic analysis of texts and the problem of translating them into modern language;
  • Study of Uzbek classical literature;
  • History of Uzbek literature, issues of its origin and historical development, scientific works on the history of Uzbek literature;
  • Nodes and solutions for translating written monuments into modern language and interpreting them;
  • Literary sources and textual studies;
  • Oriental manuscripts and their study;
  • Compilation of scientific, scientific-critical, compilation texts of works from the past;
  • History of writing and book art. Ancient Turkic writings and their place in the history of the written culture of the peoples of Central Asia;
  • Study and translation of the written heritage of Arabic and Persian languages created in Central Asia into Uzbek.




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