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Department of chinese history, culture, politics and economy

 IMG_1142-1 Sharapov Anri Abdullaevich
 Scientific degree and title doctor of political science, senior teacher
Post Head of the department
Reception hour: Wednesday, Saturday (10:00-12:00)
Tel.: +998901764194
E-mail: Anri_1@rambler.ru

History of Department

The Department of Politics, History and Economics of China was formed on the basis of the merger of two departments of the Faculty of Chinese Studies: the Department of Politics, History of China and its place in international relations and the Department of Economics of China. To date, the head of the department doctor of historical sciences Sharapov Anri Abdullaevich.

The students of the department study on three directions of the bachelor’s degree and two specialties of the magistracy:

Bachelor’s directions:

5120700 – World Politics (People’s Republic of China)
5120300 – History (Eastern countries and region)
5230100 – Economics of foreign countries and regional studies (People’s Republic of China)

Specialties of the magistracy:

5А120701 – International relations and foreign policy;
5A231001 – Economics of foreign countries and regional studies (by countries and regions)

Educational disciplines taught at the department:

5120700 – World Politics (People’s Republic of China)

Introduction to the specialty
The Great Silk Road: History and Modernity
Country studies (China)
World politics
The Theory of International Relations
Regional studies
Geopolitics world politics
PRC in world politics
International relations of Eastern countries.

5120300 – History (Eastern countries and region)

Introduction to the specialty
History of China
History of Chinese Culture
History of the Reform Movement in China
The Great Silk Road: History and Modernity.

5230100 – Economics of foreign countries and regional studies (People’s Republic of China)

The Economy of China
Cоuntry studies (state system, history and culture)
Business and entrepreneurship in China
Demographic processes and labor market in China
The process of modernization and diversification in China
Innovative and Investment Policy of China
5А120701 – International relations and foreign policy;
Regional aspects of modern international relations
5A231001 – Economics of foreign countries and regional studies (by countries and regions)
Peculiarities of the scientific, technical and innovation policies of the countries of the studied region
Properties of geo-economics and national development
World economic systems

Professors and teachers of the department:

Karimova Natalia Ermanovna – doctor of historical sciences, professor;
Sadibekova Bibisora Japparovna – candidate of economic sciences, docent;
Sharapov Anri Abdullaevich – candidate of political sciences, senior teacher;
Nigmanov Azizbek Ulugbekovich – lecturer;
Kazakbaev Hikmatilla Ismatullaevich – lecturer;
Yuldashev Alibek Soat o’g’li – lecturer;
Jumanov Khushnud O’rol o’g’li – lecturer;
Alieva Feruza Mirzaulugbekovna – lecturer;

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