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Department of chinese philology

Scientific title: Doctor of philosophy (PhD) on pedagogical science
Position: Head of the department
Reception hours: Everyday (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +998 99 875 17 07
E-mail: zayidova@gmail.com

The history of the department

The Department of Chinese Philology was established in 1957.  It was the first department for the education and training of Sinologists, not only in Uzbekistan, but throughout Central Asia.  As for  the scientific direction of the department, by 1980 it trained personnel not only for Central Asia (the Republic of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan), but also for Bulgaria, Mongolia, Poland and Laos.  This shows that by the 70-80s, the department of Chinese philology had reached the international. reached the ininternational level. On September 2, 2014, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan issued a decree UP-2228, according to which the Faculty of Chinese Studies was opened at the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies.  Chinese philology became a part of the faculty as a department of the Chinese language and literature.  Today the head of the department is S. Nazarova

Bachelor direction of the Department:

  • 5120100 – Philology (Chinese)

Magister speciality of the Department:

  • 5A 5120102 – Linguistics (Chinese)

Subjects which are taught in the department:

Bachelor direction:

  1. Translation of political materials from Chinese
  2. Language situation in the country of the studied language
  3. Theoretical problems of the specialty
  4. Analysis of special literature in a foreign language
  5. History of the language studied
  6. Chinese style

In the speciality of Magister:

  1. Translation of political materials from Chinese
  2. Language situation in the country of the studied language
  3. Theoretical problems of the specialty
  4. Analysis of special literature in a foreign language
  5. History of the language studied
  6. Chinese style

Professor-teachers of the Department:

  1. Karimov Akramjan Abilievich – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor.
  2. Ziyumuhammedov Zhasur Tashpulatovich – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
  3. Nosirova Saodat Abdullaevna – Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
  4. Khashimova Sabohat Abdullaevna – candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
  5. Shazamonov Shoazim Ibragimovich – candidate of political sciences, associate professor
  6. Bekmuratov Ismatulla Nusratullaevich – candidate of political sciences, senior teacher
  7. Mustafaeva Samida Toshpulatova – PhD, Senior Lecturer
  8. Mirzabadal Kaunbaev – Senior Lecturer
  9. Sultanova Lola Akmalovna – Senior Lecturer
  10. Mavlyanova Umida Khozhiakbarovna – Senior Lecturer
  11. Ochilov Ozodzhon Mardievich – teacher
  12. Nazirova Shukria Miyatovna – teacher
  13. Shamsieva Shokhista Kudratullaevna – teacher
  14. Nazarova Sayera Anvarovna – teacher
  15. Alimova Sevara Farhadovna – teacher
  16. Yusupova Hilola Sadulla Kizi – Lecturer
  17. Muhammedzhanova Shahnoza – teacher
  18. Berdiev Umid Shoymurodovich – teacher
  19. Chi Daodia – a teacher from China

Scientific articles of professors and teachers of the department published abroad:

  1. Ziyamukhamedov J. Japanese and Chinese literary relations. Lighthouse of the East. 2019. №4 B.33.
  2. Karimov A.A. “New in Sinology” (Review of the book by N.N. Varapayev “CHINA: NAMES FOR ALL TIMES. Precedent Characters.” – 2nd ed.pr.- M., Publisher VKN, 2018.) // Scientific- popular magazine TashGIV “Lighthouse of the East” No. 3, 2019
  3. Nazirova Sh.M., “Japanese culture and language in the context of Western culture” Lighthouse of the East ISSN 2010-07-09. Special Issue in Japanese Studies. Scientific-methodical, educational journal of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. No. 4.2019 year. 52 -57 p.
  4. Nazirova Sh.M., “Features of the female literature in China of the XX century”. Journal of Oriental Studies. Scientific-methodical, educational journal of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. №4.ISSN2010-9709, 2019 year, 34-42 p.
  5. Mavlyanova U. , “Description of the Curia Dictionary”. Lighthouse of the East ISSN 2010-07-09. Special Issue in Japanese Studies. Scientific-methodical, educational journal of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. No. 4.2019 year. 45-52 p.
  6. Mavlyanova U.Kh., “On the use of numbers in traditional Chinese mathematics in ancient China.” Journal of Oriental Studies. Scientific-methodical and educational journal of Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies. Number 4. December 2019, 34-42 p.
  7. Nazarova S. The current state of teaching the Chinese language: analysis of existing curricula and educational and methodological literature. Modern oriental studies. International scientific journal. (RSCI) 2019 year, November. S.21-24.
  8. Nazarova S., A.Balakin, A.R.Alikberova Internet – Mems in Chinese Mediashere as a Reflection of Modern Reality. Journal of Sociology and Social Anthropology. 10 (4). 2019.  http://krepublishers.com/02-Journals/JSSA/JSSA-10-0-000-19-Web/JSSA-10-4-000-19-Abst-PDF/JSSA-10-04-309-19-332-B-D-A/JSSA-10-04-309-19-332-B-D-A-Tx[32].pdf . www.scopus.com
  9. Karimov A.A. “New in Sinology” (Review of the book by N.N. Varapayev “CHINA: NAMES FOR ALL TIMES. Precedent Characters.” – 2nd ed.pr.- M., Publisher VKN, 2018.) // Scientific- popular magazine TashGIV “Lighthouse of the East” No. 3, 2019
  10. Nosirova S. Scopus 2019 (December) (indexation February-March 2020). Modern Linguistic trends in the Japanese language// RALS_Volume 10_Issue Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Linguistics Issues (ALI 2019) July 19-20, 2019, Saint Petersburg, Russia_Pages 500-505 (1) www.scopus.com
  11. Nosirova S. 2019. “Contemporary Oriental Studies” Volume 1, No. 2 Foreign Scientific Journal
  12. Nosirova S. Scientific article No. 4 of the Scientific journal of the Center for Oriental Studies “December Lighthouse” for December 2019: “A comparative analysis of the translation of socio-political terms in Japanese and Chinese” such an article was published.

Articles and abstracts of the faculty of the department published abroad:

  1. Khasanova F. Interactive methods of teaching Chinese hieroglyphic writing. // “Actual problems of Sinology” Tashkent 2019. Publishing house “Uzbekistan”. S. 170-175.
  2. Khasanova F. The physical and geographical situation during the epoch of development of ancient Tashkent oasis. Akhmadali Askarov, Feruza Khasanova. // International Symposium on Protection and Green Development on Pastoral Grassland. School of Science Research of Northwest Minzu University. Lanzhou, China, July 2019 .
  3. Nosirova S. 2019 yil September 25-28. Kazakhstan, Nur-Sultan. “VII Global Science and Innovation 2019: Central Asia” International Scientific and Practical Conference. (a copy of the certificate and the article in the package are in the appendix).
  4. Nosirova S. 2019 year 3-5 October. Russian Federation Moscow. Russian State University of Social Sciences. I International Scientific and Practical Conference “Chinese Linguistics and Sinology”. (a copy of the certificate and the article in the package are in the appendix).
  5. Nosirova S. 2019 year, October 2-6. Japan, Kyoto. II International scientific-practical conference “West-East: the culture of adult life” (A copy of the certificate and articles in the collection are in the appendix). The scientific collection will be indexed in the Scopus database in April-May 2020. http://japan-congress2019.bsu.ge. Scopus 2019 (December) (indexing February-March 2020). Modification of semantics of social terms of the modern Chinese language//Opción, Año 35, Regular No.24 (2019): 260-273 ISSN 1012-1587/ISSNe: 2477-9385 Recibido: 10-11-2018 •Aceptado: 10-03-2019.https://produccioncientificaluz.org/index.php/opcion/article/view/30642
  6. Nosirova S. 2019 yil November 16. Tashkent. International scientific-practical conference “Uzbek-Chinese relations at a new level: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties”.
  7. Karimov A.A. On the 15th anniversary of the Confucius Institute in Tashkent. // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “Uzbek-Chinese relations at a new level: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties” (November 16, 2019, Tashkent). S. 132-18
  8. Karimov A.A. Environmental problems in the education of the younger generation of Uzbekistan and China. // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “Uzbek-Chinese relations at a new level: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties” (November 16, 2019, Tashkent). S. 235-238.
  9. Karimov A.A. Issues of ecological and philological education of the youth of Uzbekistan (in Chinese) 生态学问题与青少年教养在乌兹别克斯但// International Symposium on the Protection and Development of Greens on Grassland. Northwestern University of Mintsu Science School. Lanzhou, China, July 2019.
  10. Ziyamukhamedov J., Karimov A. The role of national values in ecological threats // International Symposium on Protection and Green Development on Pastoral Grassland. School of Science Research of Northwest Minzu University.  Lanzhou, China, July 2019. P. 28-31.
  11. Ziyamuhamedov J. Methods of teaching words in the lessons of the Chinese language. // Materials of the international scientific-practical conference on the topic: “A new phase of Uzbek-Chinese relations: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties.” 16.11. 2019 B.76 /
  12. Nazirova Sh.M., “Women’s Literature in China in the Second Half of the 20th Century”, Human and National Values on the Great Silk Road: Language, Education and Culture (Materials of the International Scientific Conference) ISBN978-9943-5193-5-0. Certificate No. 10-3512. Samarkand-Shanghai 2019. 22-25 p.
  13. Nazirova Sh.M., “Reformation literature and creativity of Zhang Tse (based on the analysis of the novel“ Heavy Wings ”) Materials of the international scientific-practical conference“ Uzbekistan –China at a new stage: Development of cultural, historical, scientific and economic relations ”Tashkent, 16 November 2019, 111-114 p.
  14. Mavlyanova U. KH., “Methods of expressing the number two in Chinese.” Trend in Teaching Foreign Languages:  Achievements and Solutions . International Conference. Тashkent ,October 16-17, 2019.123-125
  15. Mavlyanova U. KH., “The use of numerals in poems of ancient China” Materials of the international scientific-practical conference “Uzbekistan –China at a new stage: Development of cultural, historical, scientific and economic relations” Tashkent, November 16, 2019, 111-114 p.
  16. Saydiganieva S. Use of gaming technologies in the methodology of teaching the Chinese language. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Uzbekistan-China: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties.” (I).15.11. 2019.
  17. Nazarova S. The problem of interference in the process of teaching the Chinese language. Russian State Humanitarian University “Chinese Linguistics and Sinology”. Abstracts of reports of the international conference 3-5 October 2019, p. 294-298
  18. Nazarova S. Methods of improving the vocabulary of foreign students and the main results of the study. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Uzbekistan-China: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties.” (I).15.11. 2019.
  19. Sultanova L.A. Medical terms involving 药 yào morpheme in modern Chinese. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Uzbekistan-China: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties.” (I).15.11. 2019.
  20. Yusupova H. Characterization of the manufacture of horses in Chinese according to the attribute model. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Uzbekistan-China: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties.” (I).15.11. 2019.
  21. Rasuleva N.A. A study of the Chinese Internet literature system. Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Uzbekistan-China: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties.” (I).15.11. 2019.
  22. Mukhamedzhanova Sh.B. “Factors of the development of Chinese literature of the 80s”, “Uzbekistan –China at a new stage: the development of cultural, historical, scientific and economic relations” Tashkent, November 16, 2019 365-368 p.
  23. Dana K. “The Evolution of Batszy Suanmin” Materials of the International scientific-practical conference “Uzbekistan-China: the development of historical, cultural, scientific and economic ties”. (I) .15.11. 2019. This article has been published.

Co-organizations of the Department:

  1. Literary Museum at the University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi.
  2. Center of Oriental Manuscripts named after Abu Rayhon Beryun ANRUz
  3. Confucius Institute at TSUOS
  4. 325-academic lyceum in Yunusabad district at TSUOS
  5. Academic Lyceum of Foreign Languages at the Mirzo Ulugbek University
  6. 59- comprehensive school with a bias in Chinese

International collaborations of the Department:

  1. Beijing University of Foreign Languages and Culture.
  2. Beijing Central University
  3. Shanghai University
  4. Sinjong Pedagogical University
  5. Lanzhou University
  6. Xi’an University
  7. Shenyang University

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