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Department Oriental philosophy and Сulture

photo_2019-03-27_16-21-14 (2) Pulatova Dildora Akmalovna
Scientific degree and title: Candidate of philosophy sciences, professor
Post: Head of the chair
Reception hour: everyday (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99871 256 75 20
E-mail: falsafa2009@mail.ru

History of department

Over the years of the existence and activities of the department, the scientific potential of its members has grown significantly, the educational and methodological work has become more advanced. During this time, such scientists, professors and teachers as M.A.Akhmedova (1994 – 2012), R.M. taught at the department Imomalieva (2003-2012), E.D. Babayev (2004 – 2012), H. Alikulov (1990 – 2011), M. Kodyrov (2002 to the present day). After independence, the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies was set completely different, new tasks and new goals. Since 2001, the department has been preparing bachelors in the specialty “Philosophy”, and since 2005, masters in the specialty “Philosophy and History of the Modern East.” September 20, 2015 the department was named “Eastern Philosophy and Culture.” At present, 2 doctors of sciences, 1 professor, 3 candidates of sciences, 3 associate professors, 1 senior teacher, 3 teachers prepare bachelors and masters in the direction 5120800 – Eastern Philosophy and Culture and specialty 5A120801 – Eastern Philosophy and Culture. Since 1993, the department was headed by Doctor of Philosophy, Professor M.A. Akhmedova. Since February 2004, the department has been headed by Ph.D., professor, student of public education D.A. Pulatova.


The educational direction of the undergraduate department:

5120800– Eastern Philosophy and Culture

Specialties of the magistracy of the department:

5A120801 – Eastern philosophy and culture

Disciplines for teaching at the department:

Undergraduate Direction:

For all directions of the 1st course

  1. Philosophy (daytime, evening, correspondence)

1-course 5120800 – History of Eastern philosophy and culture

  1. Introduction to the specialty;
  2. Ontology;
  3. Monuments of culture of Uzbekistan

For all areas of the 2-course (evening)

  1. Philosophy (evening)

2-course 5120800 – History of Eastern philosophy and culture

  1. History of Eastern philosophy and culture
  2. The history of Western philosophy
  3. The philosophy of knowledge and epistemology
  4. The philosophy of religion
  5. Philosophy of culture and axiology
  6. Logic

For all directions of the 3-course

  1. National idea of the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan

3-course 5120800 – History of Eastern philosophy and culture

  1. History of Eastern philosophy and culture
  2. The history of Western philosophy
  3. The methodology of teaching philosophy
  4. Philosophy of Ethics and Aesthetics
  5. Rhetoric
  6. Monuments of culture of Uzbekistan.
  7. History of world culture

For all directions of the 4-course

  1. National idea of the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan

4-course 5120800 – History of Eastern philosophy and culture

  1. The philosophy of science
  2. History of Eastern philosophy and culture
  3. Globalization processes and moral threats
  4. Social philosophy
  5. Philosophy of ideas
  6. The dialogue of eastern and western cultures in the context of globalization.
  7. The main directions of modern eastern philosophy


For all specialties of the master course 1 course

  1. Methodology of scientific research


5A120801 – 1 year specialty Master of Oriental Philosophy and Culture

  1. Natural science, socio-philosophical heritage of the peoples of Central Asia and modern civilization;
  2. Eastern philosophy of the New and Contemporary;
  3. Problems and directions of modern Western philosophy;
  4. Anthropological problems of eastern philosophy
  5. Globalization and the development of national culture
  6. The study and analysis of philosophical manuscripts


5A120801 – 2 year specialty Master of Oriental Philosophy and Culture

  1. Natural science, socio-philosophical heritage of the peoples of Central Asia and modern civilization;
  2. The study and analysis of philosophical manuscripts
  3. Methods of teaching special subjects
  4. Central Asia in the system of world civilizations


Professors-teachers of the department:

  1. Pulatova Dildora Akmalovna – candidate of philosophical sciences, professor;
  2. Izzetova Emine Mustafaevna – Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor;
  3. Ruzmatova Gulnoza Akhrarovna – Doctor of Philosophy, Professor;
  4. Kadyrov Muhammajon – candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor;
  5. Akhmedova Sanam Dzhalalovna – Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor
  6. Sulaimonov Zhasur Bakhtiyerovich – senior teacher;
  7. Ikromova Iroda Rykhsibaevna – teacher
  8. Pulatov Sherdor Nematjonovich – teacher;
  9. Zhuraev Sherali Soibnazarovich – teacher;


Partner organizations of the department:

  1. Institute of Oriental Studies of ANRUz
  2. Ulugbek National University Faculty of Social Sciences
  3. Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
  4. Tashkent State University of Economics
  5. Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers
  6. Yunusabad Academic Lyceum at TashGIV;
  7. School number 202 in the Chilanzar district
  8. School number 193 in the Uchtepa district


International cooperation of the department:

  1. Russian Financial University
  2. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia

Publications of professors and teachers of the department:

List of some scientific and methodological works of professors, teachers of the department, Eastern philosophy and culture, published in 2004-2019:

  1. Pulatova D., Kadyrov M. Sulaimonov Zh.B. History of Eastern philosophy and culture. Tutorial. Part 1 (2018).
  2. Pulatova D., Ruzmatova G. Western philosophy. Textbook (2019).
  3. Pulatova D., Ruzmatova G., Dzhalalova O. Axloqshunoslik. (2013).
  4. Pulatova D., Ruzmatova G. Western Philosophy (2013).
  5. Akhmedova M. Philosophy of Ethics. (1998).
  6. Pulatova D.A., Izzetova E.M. Philosophy. (2013).
  7. Pulatova D.A. Philosophy. Logical systematic practical course on the principles of philosophy (2011).
  8. Pulatova D., Kadyrov M. et al. History of Philosophy: Eastern Philosophy. (2015).
  9. Pulatova D., Ruzmatova G. Western philosophy. (2015).
  10. Pulatova D., Kadyrov M. et al. Eastern Philosophy (2011).
  11. Philosophy. Edited by M. Akhmedova M. (2006).
  12. Pulatova D., Kadyrov M. et al. History of Philosophy: Eastern Philosophy. (2015).
  13. Nuritdinov M.N., Pulatova D.A., Fayzikhojaev D.E. and others. Socio-philosophical views of the peoples of the Middle East (VIII-XVIII centuries.). (2014).
  14. Pulatova D.A., Sulaimonov Zh.B. Ethics of Abu Zayed Abd al-Rahman ibn Khaldun. (2014).
  15. Pulatova D., Rasuleva N., Sulaimonov J., Abdukhalimov A. Ethical views of Ibn Miskavaykh. (Based on the writings of Tahzib-ul-Mahlak and al-Hikmat al-Kholida). (2013).
  16. M. Kadyrov Philosophical thinking of Central Asia, the Middle East (Middle Ages). (2010).
  17. Kadirov M. Work Nasreddin Tusi “Ethics Nasiri” and its analysis. (In 2014).
  18. Pulatova D., Ruzmatova G. Western philosophy. Tutorial. (2013).
  19. Kadyrov M. Philosophical thinking of Central Asia, the Middle East. Textbook (2010).
  20. Pulatova D., Kadyrov M. et al. Eastern Philosophy Textbook. (2011).
  21. Philosophy (in Latin). Edited by M. Akhmedov. (2006)
  22. Izzettova E.M., Pulatova D.A. Nookie Philosophy and Methodology. Tutorial. (2013)
  23. Pulatova D., Ruzmatova G. History of philosophy (Western philosophy). (2013).
  24. Pulatova D.A., Izzetova E.M. Philosophy. (2013).
  25. Pulatova D.A. Philosophy. Logical systematic course on the principles of philosophy. (2011).
  26. Pulatova D., Kadyrov M., Akhmedova M., Abdukhalimov A. Shozamonov Sh. History of philosophy (Eastern philosophy). (2013)
  27. Pulatova, D. Fayzikhodzhaeva, D. Logic. Textbook (2011).

Scientific directions of the department:

  1. “Problems of increasing the socio-political activity of women in Uzbekistan”
  2. “Philosophical views and logical teaching of the World of Saeed Sharif Giurjani (1339-1431)”
  3. “Methods of scientific knowledge and the problems of the authenticity of knowledge”
  4. “The relationship of the ideals of science and humanity”
  5. “Philosophical analysis of human problems in Freudianism”
  6. “Social and philosophical ideas in the“ introduction ”of Ibn Khaldun”
  7. “Comparative analysis of the epistemological views of Biruni and F. Bacon”
  8. “Philosophical and conceptual analysis of the worldview of Mahadma Gandhi”
  9. “Cognitive analysis of the problem of existence in the work of Ibn Sina Al-Isharat and At-Tanbekhot”

Scientific projects of the department:

  1. F-1-140 “Ethical values of Eastern philosophy and their place in the spiritual life of Uzbekistan” (based on translation and analysis of the manuscript).

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