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 k Kadirova  Zulayho Abdukhalimovna
Scientific degree and title: PhD in economics
Post: Head of the department
Reception hour: Every day(14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99897 344 35 33
E-mail: kzulayho@gmail.com

History of department

In accordance with the decision of the Rector of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies R-185 from September 11, 1994, was created  department «Economy of foreign Eastern countries ». On the basis of the department in 1999, was formed department called «Eonomy of Far Eastern and South Eastern countries».  In 2013, on July 4, on the basis of the resolution of the TashGIV Academic Council, the name of the department was changed to the “Economy of the Far East”. In 2014, on September 20, by order No. 01-243 of the Rector of TSIOS, the department was renamed to “The Economy of the Countries of the Asia-Pacific Region and South Asia and Country Studies”. And on it’s base in 2018 on June 30, the Department of “International Economic Relations was established».

Bachelor’s degree directions of the department

  • 5231000 – Economy of foreign countries and regional studies (by country and region)

Master’s degree directions of the department

  • 5A 231001 – Economy of foreign countries
  • 5A 231102 – Foreign economic activity (foreign trade activity)


  1. The economy of the studied region (Japan, Malaysia, India,Indonesia).
  2. World economy and international economic relations
  3. Foreign economic activity.
  4. Institutional changes in the countries of the studied region
  5. Tourism in the countries of the studied region.
  6. The development of the social sphere in the countries of the studied region.
  7. The tax system in the countries of the studied region.
  8. Business and entrepreneurship in the countries of the studied region.
  9. Demographic trends and the labor market in the countries of the studied region
  10. Innovation and investment policy in the countries of the studied region
  11. International and national banking system
  12. International logistics
  13. Human Resource Management in the countries of the studied region
  14. Business and entrepreneurship in the countries of the studied region.

Master’s degree:

5A 231001 – Economics of foreign countries and regional studies

. Socio-economic policy in the countries of the studied region

  1. The process of globalization and regional economic integration
  2. Geoeconomics and features of national development
  3. Features of scientific, technical and innovative development in the countries of the studied region
  4. Methods of teaching special disciplines
  5. Population and migration policies of the countries of the world
  6. Free economic zones in the countries of the studied region

5A 231102 – Foreign economic activity (foreign trade activity)

1.International trade.

  1. International marketing and management.
  2. Investments in foreign Eastern countries.
  3. Foreign economic relations of Eastern countries.
  4. Integration of foreign Eastern countriesinto the international labor market.
  5. International business
  6. Free economic zones.
  7. Features of scientific technology and innovation policy in the countries of the foreign East
  8. International tourism

Lecturers of department:

  1.  Abdullayev Ravshan Vohidovich – DSc, professor
  2. Vahobov Abdurahim Vasikovich – DSc, professor
  3. Xusanov Chori Qodirovich – Phd, assist professor
  4. Azizova Nazira Tuhtayevna- PhD
  5. Talipova Nigora To‘lqinovna – Phd, assist professor
  6. Rahimova Havohon Uzmanjonovna- Phd, assist professor
  7. Kadirova Zulayho Abduhalimovna – PhD, lecturer
  8. Vohidova Mehri Xasanovna –PhD, lecturer
  9. Baxramova Sevara Sharofiddin qizi –lecturer
  10. Abdulazizova Nargiza Bahodir qizi – assistent.lecturer
  11. Isamuhamedova Gulchehra Salihovna-lecturer

Partners of department:

  1. Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  2. Institute for Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research under the Cabinet of Ministers
  1. National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  2. Ipak Yuli Bank
  3. The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the Development of Tourism
  1. Scientific-research center scientific bases and problems of development of economy of Uzbekistan at the Tashkent state economic university
  2. National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
  3. World Institute of Economics and Diplomacy
  4. Tashkent Financial Institute
  5. The Institute of International Economic Policy of the Republic of Korea
  6. Travel Advisor Ltd.
  7. Winter Holiday Ltd.
  8. FE “Seide International”
  9. The Republican Scientific Center for Employment and Labor Protection
  10. Free economic zone «Navoi”

Publications of lecturers:

  1. Alimov A.M. Tashqi savdo operatsiyalarini amalga oshirish (o‘quv qo‘llanma); ToshDShI, , 2001
  2. Alimov A.M., I.Hamedov. O‘zbekiston Respublikasida tashqi iqtisodiy faoliyat asoslari; (darslik) 1-nashri; Yozuvchilar uyushmasi, T., 2001
  3. Alimov A.M., I.Hamedov. O‘zbekiston Respublikasida tashqi iqtisodiy faoliyat asoslari; (darslik) 2-nashri., “O‘zAJBNT”, T., 2004
  4. Л.Н. Лезилова. Реформирование банковской системы Японии. Т., 2005
  5. Алимов A.M., Экономическая эффективность внешней торговли Республики Узбекистан. Ўқувқўлланма. ТошДШИ, T., 2006
  6. А.З.Максудов, Л.Н.Лезилова. Взаимодействие малого и среднего предпринимательства с крупным бизнесом в экономике Японии. Т.,2006 г
  7. Мирханова Д.А. “Экономика Кореи” Т.2010.
  8. Лезилова Л.Н., Садибекова Б.Д., Юлдашкулов З.М. “Экономика Японии” Т., 2011.
  9. Z.A.Qodirova. “Globallashuv sharoitida O’zbekistonning xalqaro mehnat bozoriga integratsiyalashuvi”. T., 2016.
  10. A.M.Alimov,Sh.Y.Abdullayeva, M.N.Kurbanova. “Tashqi iqtisodiy faoliyat”. T., 2017
  11. Z.A.Kadirova. Integration of Uzbekistan into international labor market. Stutguart.2017.
  12. M.X.Vohidova. Erkiniqtisodiyzonalarfaoliyatiniilg’orxorijiytajribaasosidatakomillashtirishyo’nalishlari

Scientific direction of the department:

Scientific field of the department: Features of socio-economic development of the countries of the Far East and South Asia
Name Theme Scientific supervisor
1. Khusanov Chori Kodirovich Scientific and theoretical basis for improving the national tourism model Tuhliyev N.T.
2. Kadirova Zulayho Abduhalimovna International Labor Market: Prospects and Foreign Experience Artikova D.A.
3. Vohidova Mehri Xasanovna Conceptual foundations of free economic zones in Central Asia Umrzakov B.X.
4. Choriyev Orol Khamza ugli Improving labor relations in the context of modernization of the national economy (Japanese experience) Khusanov Ch.
5. Bakhramova Sevara Sharofiddin kizi Areas of application of world experience in the development of agroecological tourism Khusanov Ch.
6. Abdulazizova Nargiza Bahadirovna World experience in reforming the pension system  Islamov B.A.


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