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The department of uzbek and russian languages

The department was founded on May 18, 2019. It is an interfaculty service department with 14 members including 7 professors with academic degrees.
Over the past 10 years, teachers of the department have published 4 monographs, more than 30 training methodical textbooks, 3 of them are stamped by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education, 1 e-textbook, 1 e-training textbook, 1 electronic dictionary, more than 10 articles in foreign journals, more than 200 scientific articles have been published in local publications.
Uzbek and Russian languages are taught to foreign students as foreign languages at the department. We have students from Korea, Japan and China to study Uzbek and Russian. One of our doctoral students defended his dissertation in the Uzbek language and currently works as a professor, head of the department at Hankuk University of Foreign Languages in Korea. Currently, another Korean doctoral student is working at our department.
The future plan of the department envisages further expansion of cooperation with foreign universities, the involvement of higher education institutions of the Middle East in such cooperation.

The Department members:
1.Interim the head of department,PhD assistant professor Sh.B.Sodikova
2.PhD, Assistant professor U.P.Lafasov
3.PhD., senior teacher Tuychiboeva Sh.Sh.
4. PhD, senior teacher Yuldashev T.K.
5. PhD, teacher Sharasulova Sh.M.
6. PhD,senior teacher Juraeva N.G.
7. Senior teacher Yakubova Sh.I.
8. Senior lecturer Belykh L.X.
9. Senior teacher Hamdam Xoda L.H.
10. Senior teacher Turakhodjaeva Yu.V.
11. Teacher Shakirova D.Z.
12.Teacher Saydalieva G.Dj.
13. PhD,senior lecturer (external assistant) Kudratkhodjaeva N.A.
14. Senior teacher Ikramov M.E. (external assistant)


On November 8, 2019, a  discussion on “The status of the Uzbek language, the attitude of foreigners to the Uzbek language” was held on the talk show “Shaxsiy yondashuv” on TV channel “Dunyo bo’ylab”.The talk show was attended by foreign students studying at our department.

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Japanese and Uzbek masters studying Uzbek and Russian languages took part in the talk show “Shaxsiy yondashuv” on the TV channel “Dunyo bo’ylab”. There was a discussion about wedding ceremonies in the talk show

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31.03.2020, 15:05 995

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