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Department of oriental literature and comparative literary studies

Scientific degree and title: Doctor of philology
Post: Head of the chair
Reception hour: everyday (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99897 780 38 15
E-mail: dmuhiddinova@inbox.ru

The department was founded in 1965 as part of the Faculty of Oriental Studies of Tashkent State University under the name “Literature of Foreign Countries of the East.” In 1991, the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies was established on the basis of the Oriental faculty; this department conducts its activities at the faculty of oriental philology.

In connection with the granting of university status to the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies, according to the decision of the Academic Council of the University of May 15, 2020, the department was renamed the “Literature of the East and Comparative Literature”.

Until now, the department was headed by the winner of the Firdavsi International Prize, Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philology, Professor Sh. Shomukhamedov (1965-1985), candidate of philological sciences, associate professor M.N. Tashkuzieva (1985-1996), candidate of philological sciences, associate professor M.Kh. Akbarova (1997-2004), doctor of philological sciences R. Inomokjaev (2004-2005), doctor of philological sciences B. Nazarov (2005-2008), doctor of philological sciences Associate Professor U. Mukhibova (2008 – 2018), since January 2018 Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor D.Z. Mukhiddinova.

DEPARTMENT STRUCTURE: At the Department of Eastern countries literature and Comparative Literary studies

there are 5 doctors of sciences, 3 candidates of sciences, associate professors and teachers.

The department prepares bachelors, masters, senior researchers and independent researchers in all languages of Eastern philology (Arabic, Persian, Afghan, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish, Malay, Indonesian and Vietnamese).

Directions for undergraduate studies:

  • 5120100 – Philology and language teaching (Oriental languages)
  • 5120200 – Theory and practice of translation (Oriental)
  • 5120200 – Philology and language teaching (Chinese philology)
  • 5120200 – Philology and language teaching (Japanese philology)
  • 5120200 – Philology and language teaching (Korean philology)

Master’s direction:

  • 5A120101 – literary criticism (oriental languages and studies)

Subjects taught at the department


  1. “Literary criticism”
  2. “The literature of the country of the being studied language (from ancient times to the present day)”
  3. “Theory of literature” and others.

Master’s degree:

  1. “Theoretical problems of the specialty (Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Afghan, Indonesian, Malay)”
  2. “Analysis of specialized literature in the main languages (Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Afghan, Indonesian, Malay)”
  3. “Oriental literature (Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Afghan, Indonesian, Malay) in the context of world literature”
  4. Modern literary movements and trends (Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Afghan, Indonesian, Malay)
  5. Poetics of Oriental literature (Arabic, Persian, Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Turkish, Afghan, Indonesian, Malay)
  6. Poetic systems in eastern literature
  7. Chinese folklore and other special sciences.

Professors and teachers of the department

Department partners

  1. Literary Museum at the University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi
  2. The journal “Jahon adabiyoti”
  3. The magazine “Shark Yulduzi”
  4. Republican Union of Writers of Uzbekistan

International cooperation of the department

  1. Jawaharlal Nehru University in India
  2. National University of Jamia of India
  3. Leiden University, the Netherlands
  4. Haji Bayram University, Ankara, Turkey.

Publications of professors and teachers of the department

  1. Mannonov A.M., Imomnazarov M., Mukhibova U. Qadimgi sharq adabiyoti. – T. 2016.
  2. Imomnazarov M. Fors adabiyoti. – T. 2016.
  3. Mukhibova U. Hind adabiyoti. – T. 2016.
  4. Khojaeva R., Zievuddinova M., Mukhiddinova DZ, Saidova N. Arab adabiyoti. – T. 2016.
  5. Mukhiddinova D.Z. Zamonaviy arab adabiyotida zamonaviy yo’nalishlar va oqimlar. –T. 2019
  6. Mukhiddinova D.Z.H. Khasr arab hikoyanavisligi. –T. 2019
  7. Khojaeva R., Zievuddinova M., D. Khudzhanova. O’rta asr arab abadabiyoti –T. 2019
  8. Khodjaeva R., G.Qosimova. Zamonaviy yapon adabiyotida zamonaviy yunalishlar va oqimlar. –T. 2019
  9. Alimbekov A. Turk adabiyoti. – T. 2016.
  10. Ziyovuddinova M., D. Khudzhanova. Aruz ilmi. –T. 2019
  11. Imomnazarov M. Mumtoz forc adabiyoti poetikasi va janrlar typologiyasi. –T. 2016.
  12. Khojaeva R. Mumtoz arab adabii janrlari tipologiyasi. –T. 2016.
  13. Mukhiddinova D. Badiiy tafakkur takomili. –T. 2017.
  14. Turdieva. Khozirgi zamon eron hikoyanavisligi. –T. 2015.
  15. Komilova Sh. Hitoy adabiyoti. –T. 2019.
  16. Saidova N. Arabskaya Dramaturgiya. -T. 2015

Scientific directions of the department

  1. “Actual problems of modern literature in the East”
  2. “Actual problems of modern Oriental literature”
  3. “Literary relations of Central Asia and the East”
  4. “Problems of literary poetics of the peoples of the East”
  5. “Comparative literature.”

Scientific projects of the department

  1. F-139 “Typology of the literature of the peoples of the East and the typology of genres” 2012-2016.
  2. Folklore of the peoples of the Great Silk Road and typology

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