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The center of gifted students

15.01.2018, 18:16 Uncategorized 3208

The center of gifted students was created to identify talented students at the institute, their all-round support, attracting students to scientific work, providing practical assistance in publishing student scientific and creative works, holding student scientific conferences and purposeful training of talented students to participate in competitions and receive state scholarships.

The Center carries out its activity in the following spheres:


Throughout its activities, the Center works closely with the deans and departments.

The leaders of the center:

5 Расм  nigora
Makhatov Sirojiddin Ismatillo o‘g‘li  Makhmasobirova Nigora  Uktam qizi

Address: 25, Shakhrisabz dstr, Tashkent city.

Phone: +99871 233 45 21

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