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Faculty of Korean Studies

Scientif degree and title Doctor of philology, professor
Post: Dean of the faculty
Reception hour: Every day (14:00 – 16:00)
Tel.: +998903481005
E-mail: ushoira@mail.ru

The Korean Studies Faculty has been established in order to provide highly qualified specialists in the sphere of Korean studies, there are three departments: “Korean Philology”, “Economy and Politics of Korea”, “History and Culture of Korea”.
The main task of the faculty is the following:
-to provide the faculty of Korean Studies with specialists as well as initiative staff who have practical experience. Highly literate specialists who actively use modern pedagogical methods, informative and communicative technologies in the process of teaching and conducting scientific and practical research in the field of Korean language, literature, history, politics, economics, philosophy and culture.

A) Department of “Korean Philology”. The creation of the department, which plays a central role in coordinating the work of the faculty, was founded by reforming the current department of Korean Philology with 12–15 staff members.

Basic bachelor disciplines: Modern Korean, History of Korean, Introduction to Korean Philology, Theoretical Grammar of Korean, Comparative Grammar of Korean, Korean Lexicology, Methods of Teaching Korean. Basics of intercultural communication, Communicative competence, simultaneous translation, special courses “Category of politeness in Korean”, “Basics of Korean hieroglyphics”, “Language of media and intercultural communication”, “System of education and higher education in Korea and pedagogy”.

The main disciplines of the masters’ degree: Reading and analysis of special literature, Theoretical specialty issues, Korean style, Korean dialectology, Korean language situation, History and linguistic trends in Korean linguistics, Hieroglyphics.

B) The Department of Economics and Politics of Korea. Department has established due to the division of the department “Economics and Regional Studies of the Pacific Rim and Southeast Asia” with eight staff members with a further increase in teaching staff.

Main disciplines of bachelor degree: Korean Economy, Korean Language, Korean History and Culture, Korean State and Political System, Korean Economic Relations with Other Countries, Political Science, Regional Peculiarities of World Politics, Geopolitics, History of World Politics, The Problem of Disarmament and International Security, Theory world politics and international relations. The history of Korea.

The main disciplines of the Master’s degree: World Economic Systems, Korea’s Scientific Innovation and Scientific and Technical Development Directions, Korea’s Demographic Features, Korea Financial System.

C) Department of the History and Culture of Korea. Creation of the department due to the separation of the department “Political Science of Foreign Countries” and “Literature of Foreign Countries” with a staff of 10 full-time units with a further increase in teaching staff.

The main disciplines of bachelor and master’s degree: History of Korea, Ancient History of Korea, Contemporary History of Korea, Philosophy and Philosophical Trends in Korea, Korean Literature, Culture and Ethnography, Introduction to Literary Studies.

All departments offer preparation of highly qualified specialists who are in demand in various sectors of the country.
The faculty plans to have a diverse staff, starting with national staff and guest professors from the Republic of Korea. In general, the faculty is supposed to introduce four foreign languages, including Korean and English. In the future, it is planning to teach rare foreign languages, which would allow the graduate of the faculty to become a unique specialist not only in the Republic of Korea, but also in its neighboring countries of South-East Asia and Europe.
The faculty has a large selection of types of education. You can enroll in a bachelor’s degree program in Korean Philology, World Politics, Country Economics and Country Studies. The studying period in bachelor degree includes four studying years with the award of a bachelor’s degree in two foreign languages. Further training can be continued on a biennial program in the specialty “Linguistics”, “Literary Studies”, “World Politics”, “Economics of Countries in Regional Studies” with the study of applied and special disciplines. Graduates are given a master’s degree in these specialties with foreign languages. After obtaining a diploma of a specialist or a master’s degree, you can continue your studies in doctoral studies.
Graduates of the faculty of Korean Studies work successfully in government institutions and commercial organizations associated with foreign countries, where Korean is widely used. Graduates of the Korean Studies Faculty join the ranks of executives and entrepreneurs, consultants and experts in economics and politics of Korea. Among them are many diplomatic workers, heads of companies, sales representatives, managers of tourism and hotel services, employees of numerous Korean companies operating in the Republic of Uzbekistan, guide-interpreters, researchers and teachers of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, advisers to customs and tax inspection.
Thanks to universal training, graduates of the faculty of Koejee, students enter and successfully study in economics, political science, and law masters from leading universities of the Republic of Korea and other prestigious foreign educational institutions. It is assumed that the graduates of the faculty will, as before, form the backbone of the young specialists in Korean studies “philologists, historians, economists, financiers, international affairs specialists, etc.), who are annually accepted on a competitive basis to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. MFERiT, UzKistonHavoyullari, Uzbekistontemiryullar AZH, Uzkhimprom, Uzlegprom, Uzbekneftegaz National Holding Company, Chamber of Commerce and Industry and other institutions. They also work in various government organizations: ministries and departments, international, public and political organizations, private firms and banks, and they are quickly promoted to work in government organizations and private structures.
Measures to form a new faculty are complex. This is primarily due to the fact that the process of transformation of the economy from industrial to digital requires a new approach in the training of Sinology specialists, based on the use of innovative technology of individual training.
One of the main tasks is to make the faculty become trained and adaptable to new market challenges and changes in the employers ’request. The faculty should provide maximum assistance to students to master the fundamental and basic knowledge in the field of Korean studies, to lay a solid foundation for their specialty.
The key factor determining the relevance of this approach is the ever-increasing competition in the global market for educational services from foreign, in this case, Korean universities as a whole, as well as the growing competition between local universities. It is necessary to closely monitor the gradual improvement of the functioning of the faculty, including close interaction and synchronization of its activities with the work of other faculties of the Tashkent State Institute of Civil Engineering.
Thus, the process of improving the faculty of Korean studies should be continuous and aimed at the gradual achievement of the following strategic goals:

a) to ensure the quality of training of specialists in Korean studies in strict accordance with the provisions of the decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, national and international standards. Training and educating highly qualified, highly cultured and innovative person.

b) to ensure the selection, preparation and retraining of the professors and teachers of the Faculty of Korean Studies at the level of the world’s leading universities. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to ensure the launch of the program “School of Pedagogical Excellence”, which could “reconfigure” the teachers step by step;

c) to ensure close connection of the Korean specialists with the goals and practical tasks of further strengthening and deepening the Uzbek-Korean economic, political, cultural, humanitarian and other ties. Carrying out for this purpose targeted analytical and other studies in various fields of Korean studies;

d) in this regard, together with the Ministry of Economy Development and Trade, the Ministry of Economy and sectoral ministries and departments, it is necessary to determine the forecast need of the economy, science and education for Korean studies specialists;

e) to increase not only civil and social responsibility of graduates of the Faculty of Korean Studies but also the development of morality, patriotism, ethics. self-discipline, initiative, creativity, entrepreneurial skills, mobility, willingness and ability to work in difficult conditions.

e) to build new educational models aimed at the training of professional innovators. To form an environment where students, undergraduates, doctoral students would act as clients of corporation, conumers in the educational services market. Gradually promote the transformation of the faculty in the scientific and educational innovation and business faculty. To study the international experience of increasing the effectiveness of masters and doctoral students at foreign universities;

i) to ensure the improvement of the process and transparency of the procedures for the selection and admission of students, masters, doctors and the Faculty of Korean Studies to scholorship provided by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Education and Science, Tashkent State University of Institutions and the Korean side

j) explore the possibility of implementing business programs with the University of Seoul, Hankook University, and Jensei University. In the educational programs of the Faculty of Korean Studies, include in the prescribed manner courses that provide for the implementation of real projects commissioned by business partners, the development of their own business ideas.

The implementation of these activities requires a systematic approach, a lot of organizational and methodological work, of course, significant investments in the development of the material and technical base of the faculty of Korean studies, revision of professors’ teaching hours, moving from “streamline” planning of classes to individual ones. Only a constantly evolving faculty can respond to the high demands of young people, better prepare them for the work ahead.
The Tashkent State Institute of Oriental studies, in particular, the faculty of Korean studies have a high responsibility – to deliver economy to the social sphere of the Republic of Uzbekistan with specialists of Korean studies, who would be ready to respond professionally to the challenges of the time.



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