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Educational-methodical department

 photo_2019-03-28_12-26-38 Umarova Saodat Makhkamovna
Post: Head of the department
Reception hour: Every day (11:00-13:00)
Tel.: 71 233-02-38
E-mail:  saodathon@mail.ru

Academic and methodological board is the governing part of the academic work. Its objective is to implement the tasks highlighted by the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan on education and the National Program of Training Personnel.

The board is authorized to enhance the academic life of the university with advanced scientific achievements, provide main academic documents and generalize achievements of faculties in academics.

The board pays great attention to include all the necessary subjects in the academics so as the students will become skilled experts who can meet the demands of the new era.

The scientific and methodological board is responsible for the following tasks:

  • enrich the academic life of the institute with advanced scientific achievements, provide the university structure with state educational standards and main academic documents;
  • plan and organize the academic life of the university;
  • adapt the academic and methodological activities of faculties;
  • regularly modify regulatory and methodological documents in the supervision of academics;
  • make potential plans on developing the institute education and give recommendations to the scientific council of the university;
  • generalize the achievements of institute faculties in education and introduce them into the academics;
  • introduce and apply the new statute on the monitoring and the rating system of evaluation of the students’ knowledge;
  • formulate the qualification plan of professors and teachers;
  • analyze the attendance of students;
  • ensure that professors, teachers and students observe the academic discipline;
  • organize and analyze timely, mid and final exams of divisions and magistracy;
  • ensure the main documents are written in faculties and divisions;
  • prepare the necessary documents for making staff tables in the university, monitor the implementation of academic work;
  • formalize the documents of assistant teachers and teachers who work on an hourly basis, organize and adapt the distribution of hourly classes;
  • examine the academic activities of division and faculties of the university;
  • organize a competition among professors and teachers;
  • introduce the experiences of developed countries into academic life;
  • administer practices and provide methodological handbooks;
  • adapt the work of academic lyceums from academic and methodological sides;
  • take part in the administration of academics in the branches of the university.

The staff of the academic and methodological board is comprised of the head, a monitor, a statistician and dispatchers.

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