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0001 Rikhsieva Gulchekhra Shovkatovna
Acadamic degree and title:  candidate of philological sciences, docent
Post: Rector
Reception hour: Wednesday (15.00-18.00)
Tel.: +998 71 233 34 24
E-mail:  rector@tashgiv.uz
Virtual reception: tdshi.vqabulxona.uz


 photo_2019-02-01_15-15-27 Vakhidov Avazbek Ashiraliyevich
Acadamic degree and title: Candidate of philological sciences, docent
Post: Vice-rector for academic affairs
Reception hour: Wednesday (15.00-18.00)
Tel.: +998 71 233 82 02
E-mail:  mmi.prorektor@tashgiv.uz
Virtual reception: tdshipr02.vqabulxona.uz


Acadamic degree and title: Doctor of philology, associate professor
Post: Vice-rector for work with youth
Reception hour: Wednesday (15.00-18.00)
Tel.: +998 71 236 15 54
E-mail: mmi.prorektor@tashgiv.uz
Virtual reception:


nabdullayev-200x300 Abdullayev Nodir Abdulkhayevich
Acadamic degree and title: Candidate of political sciences
Post: Vice-rector for scientific affairs and innovations
Reception hour: Wednesday (15.00-18.00)
Tel.: +998 71 233 34 28
E-mail: sharq_ilmiy@inbox.uz
Virtual reception: sharq_ilmiy.vqabulxona.uz


 TDSHI_Mirziyatov Sh. Mirziyotov Shukhrat Mirgiyazovich
Acadamic degree and title: PhD on philology
Post: Vice-rector for financial and economical affairs
Reception hour: Wednesday (15.00-18.00)
Tel.: +998 71 233 29 90
E-mail:  mii.prorektor@tashgiv.uz
Virtual reception: tdshipr03.vqabulxona.uz


 Махмудов Makhmudov  Elyor  Azimovich
Acadamic degree and title: Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor
Post: Vice-rector for international cooperation
Reception hour: Wednesday (15.00-18.00)
Tel.: +998 71 233 29 85
E-mail:  xab@tashgiv.uz
Virtual reception:  tdshixab.vqabulxona.uz

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