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Academic lyceum under Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies

Academic lyceum under Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies was established in 1998 and majors in foreign philology. The teachers of specialized languages such as Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Indian, Turkish, Persian and Arabic are graduates of Tashkent State institute of Oriental Studies. Nowadays 17 teachers out of 69 are former graduates of TSIOS. Over the last three years four more have joined.

Professionals who have graduated from faculties of Oriental Philology, History of Central Asian nations and History of foreign countries have been teaching students in their specialty. Teachers who work at the academic lyceum after graduating from the institute are different for being able to search for necessary sources and use them properly during the lessons. Cooperation and collaboration of the lyceum teachers with the faculty departments of the institute can be quite a good role model for most. At present all teachers of the academic lyceum who are former graduates of TSIOS are youth. They use different modern technologies, visual aids, innovational ideas and new information technologies while teaching which in its turns result in the increase of the students’ knowledge.

Academic lyceum teachers especially specialists of oriental languages attend professional development courses organized by foreign countries and actively participate in different seminars and conferences and gained experience is shared among all the lyceum teachers.

Oriental languages teachers of the academic lyceum in collaboration with institute teachers drew up sample programs on teaching oriental languages and making textbooks for lyceum students.



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