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(Uzbek) Xitoyshunoslik

21.11.2019, 15:41 Uncategorized 1427

Scientific degree and title  PhD (philology)
Post: Dean of the faculty
Reception hour: Every day (14:00-16:00)
Tel.: +99871 236 16 93
E-mail: ozod_ochilov@mail.ru



Republic of China is considered one of the countries which were informed the Independency of Uzbekistan firstly and surprised world unions attention as a result of its great achieves in the last thirsty years. This case makes all of us know everything about China. This case studying about neighborhood country China is one of the most important duties beyond Chinese people of Uzbekistan. According to the order of President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2014, September 3, number 2228 PQ “Opening Chine Study faculty in Tashkent State of Oriental Study” is meant very important feature to develop Chine Study in Uzbekistan.

On the basis of the order of president of the country Chine Study faculty has been adopted in 2014 September 20, order № 01-243. According to the Bachelor (degree) direction on the basis of new system state education system syllabuses, curriculums and lessons have been organized. At the moment dean of the Faculty is c.a.n. of senior lecturer S.A.Hoshimova.

Nowadays four departments have been working in the faculty; two of them are for special specialists, followings:

  1. Chinese language and literature.
  2. Policy, history and economy of China.

In the faculty about 600 experienced PhD teachers have been teaching. Most of them have experienced in high education institutions such China, USA, Federation of  Russia, Republic of  Korea, and Great Britain.


  1. Achieving connection in supplement of (education)
  2. Paying attention to preparing high qualified scientific pedagogic personals,
  3. Retraining pedagogic specialists and improving their skills according to the demands of the times.
  4. Increasing capital budgets with the help of drawing professor-teacher and developing international relation into scientific
  5. Drawing talented and well educated youth into research work in order to improve the quality of education and the system of “Ustoz-shogird”
  6. Creating the improved features of education quality connecting with studying processes
  7. Making teachers and senior lecturers use modern information technologies in teaching process and also drawing them into publishing new educational supplies, manuals, (textbooks)
  8. Constantly continuing educational- spiritual works with teachers and students.

Making arrangements in providing graduated students with employment. In the faculty about 350 students have been studying in Russian and Uzbek languages in Bachelors & Magisters degrees. Except studying process variety clubs have been working in order to get lots of information about the country. They are: “Chinese language and culture”, “Young economists”, “Young translators” and “Young politicians” and the number of members has been increasing.

Apart from this according to the contract between Uzbekistan and Republic of China Nation every year a number of students and teachers are improving their professional skills in well-known high-education institution in China.  Faculty has its own library and this library is provided with literature, economy, history and    philosophy books which are in Chinese, English, Russian languages with the help of Embassy of China in Uzbekistan.

Every year scientific-practical conference is held in Tashkent State Oriental Institute that is devoted to Chinese study global problems. The main aim of this conference is exchanging scientific practical opinions about problems of china study of Uzbekistan, organizing scientific research works in Chinese language, improving the skills of young scientist, also in the future creating new adoption of literature in Chinese faculty sphere in Uzbekistan.

Many specialists who are working in variety spheres of national economy in our republic, teacher professor students of high education institutes and representatives of different organizations and Embassy of China in Tashkent take part in this annual conference.

In the conference problems concerning to the future and present state of Chinese study of Uzbekistan are observed and lectures about Chinese language, literature, policy, philosophy and its history are listened and discussed.  Especially, problems which are connecting with teaching Chinese language, experiences in economical spheres and problems observing ancient t Chinese manuscripts and their translation problems of Chinese literature into Uzbek language. Social-political process in China Nation republic era discussed. All the materials of the conference will be published.

Nowadays many club attached to the faculty have been ruled in order to organize free time of the students efficiently. However, “china club” attached to the department of china economy, “young translators” attached to the department of Chinese language and literature. “Volunteers of China culture club” attached to the department of policy, history and its position in international relations, “young politicians school” also, “English club” attached to the department of English. Apart from this “Mini football” “table tennis’ “Chess-draughts” are organized in order to improve healthy lifestyle of the students.


5120108- Philology and teaching languages (Chinese language)

5120300- Histories around countries and regions

5120700-World policy (around the zones)

5231006 -Economies of foreign countries and country study


5A120101 -Literary study (literary sources and texts)

5A120102- Linguistic (About east languages)

5A231001-Economy of foreign countries ad country study (China and southern eastern countries.)


  1. Literature museum attached to the university of Uzbek language and literature named after Alisher Navoiy.
  2. Centre of eastern manuscripts named after Abu Rayhon Beruniy attached to TSIOS
  3. Institute named Confucius attached to TSIOS
  4. Academic lyceum number 325 Yunusobod region attached to TSIOS
  5. Academic lyceum number 309  Olmozor region attached to TSIOS
  6. Academic lyceum of Foreign languages attached to NUUz named after  Mirzo Ulugbek
  7. Secondary school number 59 specialized in Chinese language
  8. Pedagogical professional college of Sirdaryo
  9. Institute of Strategic and regional research  attached to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, UzR SA Institute of History
  10. Central Institute of improving skills  and retraining educational personals  named after A.Avloniy
  11. Liberal-democratic party of Uzbekistan, National Democratic party
  12. National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
  13. “Problems and basis of economy in improving the economy of Uzbekistan” attached to the Tashkent State University of Economy Center of Economy –Research
  14. Professional-industrial college of Mirobod Tashkent city


  1. Beijing Foreign Languages University (RCHN)
  2. Beijing University (RCHN)
  3. Shanghai University (RCHN)
  4. Xian University (RCHN)
  5. Lan Jou University (RCHN)
  6. Shen Yan University (RCHN)
  7. Sinjon University (RCHN)
  8. Chelyabinsk state University (RCHN)
  9. Central Chinese University (RCHN)

In these days Chinese faculty has collaborated with well known high education institution of China.

Nowadays this faculty has collaborated relations with famous high education institutes of China. However it has been exchanging experiences on scientific and curriculums with collaboration of above mentioned Universities. Most of the lectures and teachers in the faculty have already improved their skills in abroad countries. Every year teachers of the faculty have been improving their teaching skill in China in the project which was organized to improve teaching skills for Chinese language teachers in summer holiday. Also teachers of the Faculty are participating with their scientific articles in foreign conference which has been organized in China.


  1. “Global problems of China study”
  2. “Linguistics of Chine”
  3. “Translation problems”
  4. “Present global problems of foreign eastern literature”
  5. “Literary connections of Central Asia in foreign eastern countries ”
  6. “Features of literature poetics of foreign eastern nations”
  7. “History of interrelations of Central Asia and China nations”
  8. “Ideology and political culture of China ”
  9. “Ecologic politics of CHNR ”
  10. “Interrelations of Central Asia countries with eastern Turkistan”
  11. “Political process of CHNR”
  12. “Problems of supporting national, regional and global security”
  13. “Mutual relations of Central Asia countries with Yel and China countries”
  14. “Interrelations of supporting security of Chine and Europe countries”


  1. “Typology of genders” history and literature of eastern nations
  2. “Creating new scientific manuals, textbooks about Chinese language, linguistics, translations, history and economy ”

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